Women have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic, and women in healthcare even harder. Marla Ahlgrimm explains that female physicians, nurses, and pharmacists are some of the most affected individuals in the nation.
Historically, women have always borne the burden of taking care of family in times of need. This continues to hold true during the 2020 pandemic, says Marla Ahlgrimm. And, since our current crisis is of a medical nature, women in the healthcare industry may be struggling to maintain balance. According to the retired healthcare entrepreneur, female caregivers are busy taking care of patients while trying to figure out how to keep their own families safe from contamination.
Between perfecting decontamination routines, quarantining from family when exposed to the virus, and trying to manage children who are home from school, women in healthcare have a lot on their proverbial plates. Marla Ahlgrimm notes that all of these things combined have equaled another sub-crisis: women’s mental health.
According to Marla Ahlgrimm, at nearly 10 months into a pandemic, many women, especially those that provide medical care, are at their mental health breaking point. She notes, however, that there are ways to regain control. These include:
- Do something nice for yourself. Marla Ahlgrimm says that something as simple as a warm bath in the evening or 20 minutes for a nice cup of coffee in the morning before everyone else wakes up can go a long way toward boosting your spirits.
- Let go. We are all used to juggling, but add in the extra balls of a pandemic, and your hands will be moving so fast you won’t be able to think. Let a few balls drop to prioritize those that are most important.
- Ask for help. Marla Ahlgrimm says this is perhaps the most difficult thing for women to do. We do not want to be perceived as weak, and we are often used to simply doing it ourselves. But, now is not the time for pride, and there is no shame in asking for help from your friends, family, or community when you need a helping hand.