There are many ways to lower your healthcare costs, from keeping yourself in better shape to reducing your insurance deductible. But these aren’t always options for everyone, says Marla Ahlgrimm. Today, the retired pharmacist offers tips on how everyone can utilize a variety of resources to keep their healthcare costs down.
Look For Free Or Low-Cost Clinics
According to Marla Ahlgrimm, many areas have free or low-cost clinics that offer primary care services. Many provide women’s health exams. You can also consider reaching out to Planned Parenthood for affordable women’s health services, such as screenings, birth-control consultations, and STD testing.
Telehealth Services
Marla Ahlgrimm says that some platforms offer free or lowered-cost telehealth consultations. These are one-on-one discussions with qualified healthcare providers, such as doctors and nurses. Your insurance company may have a program are you available to you.
Like telehealth services, you might consider subscription healthcare services, which may offer access to online or text-based care. Marla Ahlgrimm says it’s crucial to be fully honest and detailed about issues you’re dealing with when discussing your health with someone who can’t physically examine you. Saying the wrong thing and failing to mention what you might consider a non-important symptom may prolong your care and increase your expenses.
Government Websites
There are two kinds of great resources online, says Marla Ahlgrimm. The National Institutes of Health, the Office of Women’s Health, the Mayo Clinic, and other major hospital websites often have a vast library of information online. Some hospitals may even offer a symptom-checking tool that can help you decide if you should seek in-depth care.
Consult Your Pharmacist
If you have health problems, whether it’s the common cold or something more serious, you may have been prescribed medication. If so, make sure to utilize your pharmacist and their vast range of knowledge to answer questions on prescription medication and over-the-counter offerings.
Support Groups
One-on-one or online support groups can help you connect with others who have the same types of health issues as you. Ultimately, these resources can provide valuable information. However, Marla Ahlgrimm stresses that they are not a substitute for professional medical advice. She recommends that women with specific health concerns seek medical attention from a qualified healthcare provider.
Stay Healthy
Staying healthy is the number one way to reduce healthcare costs. Remember, being truly healthy is a comprehensive approach to life, not just the act of visiting the gym or eating well on occasion.
Marla Ahlgrimm stresses diet and exercise, recommending fruits, vegetables, and whole grains daily. She also recommends drinking plenty of water—at least 64 ounces daily. Marla Ahlgrimm recommends approximately 120 minutes of light to moderate exercise each week for physical activity. While there is no way to ensure that you won’t have to spend on health-related concerns, Marla Ahlgrimm says that the tips above can help you capitalize on resources available to you so that you spend less to keep yourself healthy.