Marla Ahlgrimm Outlines Benefits of Testosterone for Women’s Heart Health

Marla AhlgrimmQ: What is the history of testosterone therapy in the United States?

Marla Ahlgrimm: Health professionals in the United States have prescribed testosterone therapy as far back as the late 1930s. In women, the adrenal glands and ovaries produce testosterone.

Q: Why has the perception of testosterone therapy changed over the past decade?

Marla Ahlgrimm: With further recognition of the benefits of testosterone in women, support for this therapy have continued to grow. Researchers are beginning to discard long-held notions in the medical community about the usage of hormones. Tens of thousands of American women have begun to achieve promising results from testosterone therapy prescribed by their physicians.

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Q & A with Pharmacist Marla Ahlgrimm: Urinary Tract Infections

Marla AhlgrimmAccording to women’s health pharmacist Marla Ahlgrimm, women are at higher risk of developing a urinary tract infection than their male counterparts. Here, Ahlgrimm describes the most effective treatments for a urinary tract infection, along with tips on how to reduce the likelihood of developing one.

Q: How does a UTI typically affect the human body?

Marla Ahlgrimm: A UTI may have a major impact on any area of the urinary system. By definition, the urinary system consists of the kidneys and ureters, as well as the urethra and the bladder. The upper urinary tract includes the ureters and kidneys.

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