Marla Ahlgrimm | Birth Control Sans Hormones

Marla AhlgrimmSex is an integral part of adulthood, says Marla Ahlgrimm. But, despite its biological function of producing offspring, having babies is not always the desired outcome of a pleasurable experience. Here are a few non-hormonal birth control methods to consider when you want to avoid pregnancy.

The Condom

Marla Ahlgrimm points out that the condom is the most iconic form of birth control out there. These balloon-like implements are rolled over an erect penis and can prevent pregnancy up to 85% of the time. Fortunately, condoms are also effective at reducing a person’s risk of contracting an STD.


An IUD, or intrauterine device, is one of the most effective forms of birth control, with pregnancy reduction rates of 99% or better. According to Marla Ahlgrimm, it is implanted into the uterus by a medical professional, usually an OB/GYN or doctor specializing in either obstetrics or gynecology. And IUD creates an inhospitable environment for sperm and prevents implantation should fertilization occur.

The Calendar

Marla AhlgrimmFor more than 1000 years, women have used their menstrual calendars to reduce the chances of pregnancy. Although effective between 77% and 98% of the time, looking at dates to determine when ovulation occurs is not a foolproof method. According to Marla Ahlgrimm, the good news here, for those with a regular cycle, is that there are plenty of birth control apps that can help track a woman’s cycle to make it easier to keep up with when they are most fertile.


Sterilization in women often involves a tubal ligation, or, what Marla Ahlgrimm often refers to as having the tubes tied. A vasectomy is the male equivalent, and involves cutting and cauterizing the vas deferens so that sperm cannot effectively exit during ejaculation. Both of these procedures are more than 99% effective.

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