Each year, millions of Americans make resolutions to change bad behaviors come the new year. Unfortunately, many of these have been long since forgotten by Valentine’s Day. Today, Marla Ahlgrimm offers a few quick tips on how to set goals you’ll actually want to achieve.
It Starts With Reflection
Marla Ahlgrimm says that the first step in creating a set of goals that you’ll accomplish is to reflect on the past year. Did you face any specific challenges? Did you learn any lessons? Were there any unresolved issues that you don’t want to carry around with you in 2025?
Identify Your Values
Next up is identifying what’s important to you. Do you want to create goals that center around your family? Work? Your appearance? Or the way you present yourself? Make a list of your top five priorities. Marla Ahlgrimm says you can then set goals based on these.
Be Specific
Marla Ahlgrimm says the only way to actually set a goal is to be specific in what you would like to accomplish. Don’t say that you want to lose weight. Instead, say that you would like to drop 5 pounds by X date and then list out how you plan to do so. This might be eliminating excess sugar from your diet or working out more often.
Make It Measurable
Measurability is the best way to determine whether you’re on the right track to achieving any goal you set. Using the weight loss goal above, it’s easy to see how measuring pounds lost is a great way to see how far into achieving your goal you are. You can also apply measurability to other goals, says Marla Ahlgrimm. For example, if you wish to read more, list out the books you’d like to complete and mark off your progress on each.
Assess Achievability
Now it’s time to look back on your goals and make sure that they are achievable in the timeframe you set forth. You might not, for example, achieve the goal of losing 50 pounds by February without putting your health at risk. Marla Ahlgrimm says that this is a great example of a time to work with a healthcare professional to determine a plan that works for you and your unique body composition.
Get To Planning
Your goals are sets, and you know that they are achievable. Now it’s time to plan out exactly how you’ll accomplish all of the things you wish to do in the coming year. You do not have to map out every single moment of your time, but you should have a general guide that helps you stay on track and overcome obstacles.
Celebrate Success
Marla Ahlgrimm says one of the best ways to stay motivated is to celebrate your successes.This does not have to be the achievement of a goal, but you can reward yourself for making progress. Something small, such as a quick trip to the spa or an afternoon off work to do nothing are great ways to mark your milestones and increase your motivation.
New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be lost. Marla Ahlgrimm says that the tips above can help you set and achieve your goals, no matter what part of your life is affected.