Archives for September 2016

Marla Ahlgrimm Discusses Link Between Breast Cancer and Bone Loss

Marla AhlgrimmMany breast cancer treatments have the unfortunate side effect of causing decreased bone density, explains retired pharmacist and women’s healthcare entrepreneur Marla Ahlgrimm. In the following question-and-answer session, Ahlgrimm discusses the link between breast cancer and bone loss.

Q: What is the relationship between bone loss and breast cancer?

Marla Ahlgrimm: Chemotherapy, surgical removal of the ovaries, and some hormone therapies can impact estrogen levels. You may know that estrogen is important to female reproduction, but it is also the hormone that strengthens bones to reduce the risk of fractures. Less estrogen may put patients at a greater risk for osteoporosis.

Q: How are breast cancer and estrogen interconnected?

Marla Ahlgrimm: A number of breast cancer tumors are estrogen sensitive. This means these tumors flourish when estrogen is present. These estrogen receptor (ER) positive tumors respond to estrogen blocking therapy, which can slow the growth of tumors and help to prevent the return of cancerous cells.

Q: How is breast cancer typically treated?

Marla Ahlgrimm: There are a number of treatments for breast cancer. Treatment choice is based on differing factors that include whether the diseased cells have spread or remain contained in the breasts. Surgical methods remove cancerous tissue while chemotherapy and radiation attack cancer cells. Hormone therapy is used to fight ER positive breast cancer cells and may include aromatase inhibitors, selective estrogen receptor modulators, luteinizing-hormone releasing hormone, and estrogen receptor antagonists.

Q: Is it possible to prevent bone loss when being treated for breast cancer? 

Marla Ahlgrimm: Women being treated for breast cancer with other risk factors, including smoking or alcohol abuse, run a higher risk of osteoporosis. And while some bone mineral density may not be preventable, doctors recommend taking any prescribed medications as directed and getting sufficient amounts of vitamin D to reduce the possibility of bone loss.

Marla Ahlgrimm: Lose Weight the Healthy Way

Marla AhlgrimmIf you google “weight loss,” you’ll find everything from sensible information to nonsensical and dangerous diet plans, says women’s healthcare expert Marla Ahlgrimm. According to Ahlgrimm, there is no quick fix to managing one’s weight; it’s about eating right and making healthy diet choices. There are a few eating strategies, however, that are a good stepping point toward reclaiming a lost waistline without resorting to extreme measures or self-deprivation.

The Mediterranean diet

Marla Ahlgrimm explains that a Mediterranean diet is not a typical weight loss diet. Instead, it is an eating plan that mimics the habits of citizens in Greece, southern Italy, Spain, and certain parts of France. Traditional foods in these areas include high fiber bread, plenty of whole grains, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, beans, and fish. Tree nuts and wine are also consumed while limiting red meat, confections, and soft cheeses.

Reduced carbs

There are dozens of low-carb diet fads lingering on the Internet, reports Marla Ahlgrimm. When handled correctly, a diet with a reduced amount of carbohydrates can lead to weight loss. According to Marla Ahlgrimm, one of the biggest benefits to a low-carb diet is that you don’t typically have to track calories. The biggest change to most people’s diet is limiting bread, potatoes, and pasta. These can be replaced with healthier alternatives without sacrificing culinary satisfaction.


Marla Ahlgrimm stresses that protein is essential but says many people can benefit from a vegetarian or vegan diet. Long-term vegetarians may wish to include a B12 supplement to their daily regimen. In lieu of meat, vegetarians can snack on nuts and include beans and nut butters in their daily menu.

A recurrent theme in all healthy meal plans is whole foods. Fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, milk, and other edibles void of chemical processing are easily recognized by the body and utilized as energy instead of being stored as fat.

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