Archives for March 2021

Marla Ahlgrimm | Hobbies And Health

Marla AhlgrimmMany people look at hobbies as simply a way to pass a lazy afternoon. But, according to women’s health entrepreneur Ahlgrimm, hobbies are so much more. Having the right hobby can improve your overall health and happiness. Not sure what piques your interest? Here are some suggestions:


Marla Ahlgrimm says that few things are more comforting than a good book, a cozy blanket, and a night on the couch. But, books also help keep your brain in top shape while you learn or escape into a fantasy world. If socialization is what you’re looking for, having a book club is an excellent way to get together with your gal pals.


Even if you don’t have an artistic bone in your body, drawing, painting, and crafting are all excellent hobbies. Marla Ahlgrimm explains that having a creative outlet can help you get better in touch with your feelings while expressing your individual style. Plus, there’s something rather satisfying about watching a blank canvas or a lump of clay turn into something made by your own two hands.

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Is There A Link Between Stress And Early Menopause? Marla Ahlgrimm Answers

Marla AhlgrimmIt’s estimated that approximately 1% of women will experience menopause before they turn 40, says Marla Ahlgrimm. Is stress the culprit? Probably not.

Q: Can stress cause premature menopause?

Marla Ahlgrimm: There isn’t evidence to suggest that stress by itself can trigger early menopause. What we do know, however, is that the symptoms of stress and menopause often mimic each other. This can make you mistakenly believe that you are beyond your childbearing years.

Q: What are common symptoms of stress and menopause?

Marla Ahlgrimm: Anxiety, mood swings, waning libido, irritability, forgetfulness, and trouble sleeping are all common in both. However, stress can also cause a woman to miss her menstrual cycle, which is the top reason that women in their 40s who are experiencing extreme stress believe that they’ve begun menopause.

Q: Who is most at risk of early menopause?

Marla AhlgrimmMarla Ahlgrimm: There are several lifestyle factors and health conditions that can cause early menopause. These include smoking, cancer treatment, some autoimmune disorders, and surgeries. Further, women who eat a poor diet, drink often, and engage in other unhealthy lifestyle practices put themselves at risk of experiencing stress/menopause symptoms in their late 30s and 40s.

Q: What are the emotional effects of early menopause?

Marla Ahlgrimm: That depends on the woman. Some welcome “the change” with open arms. However, a woman in her late 30s or early 40s who still wishes to have children may feel as though their self-worth has taken a hit. As women delay having kids, the risk of infertility increases. In addition to not being able to have children, experiencing early menopause can make a woman feel older than she is. As a society, we tend to look at those post-menopausal women as less attractive than their child-bearing-aged counterparts. This can take a significant toll on a woman’s self-esteem as she learns to accept and transition into her “mature” years.

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