Marla Ahlgrimm: Unusual Medical Conditions

Marla AhlgrimmMost medical conditions are easily explained. But, as Marla Ahlgrimm points out in the post below, not all fall into a recognizable category. Here, the women’s health expert, popular self-help author, and retired hormone specialist offers up information on some of the most unusual medical conditions known to science. 

Body Integrity Identity Disorder

According to Marla Ahlgrimm, body integrity identity disorder is extremely rare, and thankfully so. People who suffer with this bizarre condition believe that one of their body parts does not belong. They might, for example, feel as though their left arm or right foot is an alien part of the body. They may be repulsed at the sight of this unwelcome appendage. Fortunately, scientists have discovered a cause. People with body integrity identity disorder are missing crucial information regarding the body part in question on their body image map, a network of neurons in the brain responsible for recognizing your own physical features.

Congenital Insensitivity To Pain

Marla Ahlgrimm says that many people wish they did not feel pain or discomfort. While this may sound like a dream come true, particularly during childbirth, this disease is a nightmare for those that suffer from it. As the name suggests, it is congenital, meaning that you are born with it. Babies with this condition may bite their tongues off as they begin to teethe, break bones without crying, or experience significant damage to their eyes when they fail to instinctively remove foreign objects that may scratch the cornea.

Mass Hysteria

Marla AhlgrimmTypically thought of as a female-only issue, mass hysteria is most often associated with teenage girls, and it can be traced back to the days when witchcraft was an arrestable offense. It happens when a group of people experience hysterical symptoms, like fainting, laughing, convulsions, or seizures.

Parasitic Twin

A parasitic twin happens when an embryo, which would otherwise become twins, doesn’t fully separate. One twin may develop in entirety while the other only partially, says Marla Ahlgrimm. Parasitic twins were popular in 19th-century “freak show” acts, with many of the most famous being showcased at the PT Barnum Circus. Usually, these twins are absorbed by the healthy fetus, and most people today with a parasitic twin do not even know it.

Marla Ahlgrimm Offers Online Dating Safety Tips For Women

Marla AhlgrimmWe live in a digital age, says Marla Ahlgrimm. Because of this, many activities we used to do in person now take place online. Dating is one of these. Unfortunately, online dating isn’t always safe for women. Here are some tips to keep yourself safe.

Check them out before you meet them.

According to Marla Ahlgrimm, everyone these days has a digital presence. Whether it’s a social media site or a newspaper call out, there’s a good chance you can find out more information about your future date by simply Googling their name and city and state. If you do find them on social media, look to see that they are tagged back and forth with other people and that they are not doing any illegal activities that might make you feel uncomfortable.

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Marla Ahlgrimm | Birth Control Sans Hormones

Marla AhlgrimmSex is an integral part of adulthood, says Marla Ahlgrimm. But, despite its biological function of producing offspring, having babies is not always the desired outcome of a pleasurable experience. Here are a few non-hormonal birth control methods to consider when you want to avoid pregnancy.

The Condom

Marla Ahlgrimm points out that the condom is the most iconic form of birth control out there. These balloon-like implements are rolled over an erect penis and can prevent pregnancy up to 85% of the time. Fortunately, condoms are also effective at reducing a person’s risk of contracting an STD.

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Marla Ahlgrimm on Heart-Healthy Habits

Marla AhlgrimmHow much do you know about keeping your heart healthy? Marla Ahlgrimm says probably more than you know, but it never hurts to brush up. Keep reading for a few quick facts about heart health.

Your diet matters.

According to Marla Ahlgrimm, what you eat directly impacts your heart. She says that, for the most part, eating foods that are low in salt and trans fat is the best way to keep your heart healthy. She also recommends reducing your sugar intake and learning how to read the labels.

It is up to you to manage your health conditions.

Eating well can help you stay healthy, but that is not the only thing that determines your level of wellness. Marla Ahlgrimm explains that some genetic conditions can affect your heart health as well. High blood pressure, diabetes, and respiratory disorders can also negatively impact your cardiovascular system. She notes that eating a healthy diet, exercising, and staying in touch with your primary care physician or specialists is the best way to manage your health so that you can keep your heart beating at peak.

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Marla Ahlgrimm on Migraine Headaches

Marla AhlgrimmWomen tend to suffer more migraines than men, says Marla Ahlgrimm. But, what causes them? Keep reading as Ahlgrimm shares some insights.

According to Marla Ahlgrimm, one of the top factors that determine whether or not a woman (or man) experiences chronic migraine headaches is genetics. People with an extensive family history of migraines, while not 100% guaranteed to experience them, are far more likely than the general public. Further, failure to eat properly, too much caffeine or alcohol, and dehydration can all lead to migraines.

As we settle into a new season, Marla Ahlgrimm says to watch out for migraine headaches related to air pressure, humidity, and ambient temperature outdoors. Unfortunately, of all the causes for migraine headaches, weather and genetics are the two that are outside of our control. One thing that is within our power to change, however, is the way we sleep. 

Marla Ahlgrimm explains that people who do not sleep enough or, alternately, who sleep too much, may trigger migraines if they are already predisposed. Interestingly, most sufferers report that sleep is one of the few things that can relieve a migraine headache. Some people with migraines report less severe pain if they can sleep for three to four hours at the onset of a migraine.

Marla AhlgrimmFinally, Marla Ahlgrimm asserts that stress is another trigger. And, unfortunately, in our day and age it may be the most common. While people may not experience migraines in the middle of a stressful situation, it is often hours later, once they begin to relax, that a headache may creep in or blindside them.

Chronic migraine is a serious condition that can have a significant impact in a woman’s life. Women who experience eight migraine days each month may seek relief through prescription medication and lifestyle changes.

Marla Ahlgrimm On Stress And The Body

Marla AhlgrimmHormones do the body lots of good. But, their effects are not always convenient. According to Marla Ahlgrimm, your brain knows exactly which hormones to send and when. Unfortunately, in the case of stress, this can leave you feeling on edge and can have an unhealthy effect on your body. Keep reading for a few quick answers to common questions about stress and hormones.

Q: What triggers feelings of stress?

Marla Ahlgrimm: The answer to this question is unique for every person. Some people feel stressed out because of money, others because of family obligations. However, most people experience the natural stress response when faced with a sudden or extreme situation. An example would be a large dog running at you with its teeth showing while barking loudly. This would instantaneously trigger your adrenal glands to release a surge of cortisol and adrenaline.

Q: What happens when adrenaline and cortisol are released?

Marla Ahlgrimm: Each of these hormones works to elevate your heart rate and can give you a seemingly unnatural boost of energy. As the primary stress hormone, cortisol increases the amount of glucose (blood sugar) flowing through your veins. Cortisol has an effect on a few of your non-essential systems – suppressing digestion, for example. When these hormones are present, you likely feel fear, your heart rate will increase significantly. and your senses are heightened.

Q: Is the body’s response to stress self-limiting?

Marla AhlgrimmMarla Ahlgrimm: In most cases, yes. When you are faced with the threat, and that threat is no longer present, your hormone levels return to normal. Unfortunately, many women are under chronic stress, living with factors such as financial struggles, tumultuous relationships, and social pressures. This can lead to a chronic stress response, which can then in turn result in digestive issues, depression, sleep problems, and weight gain to name a few.

According to Marla Ahlgrimm, women can reduce everyday stress through a combination of meditation, eating well, and getting enough sleep. While not all stressors can be eliminated, taking care of your mind and body is one of the best ways to be prepared to effectively deal with life’s issues.

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